Morning Prayer
May my passion not be misplaced, directed poorly
toward things not intended by You.
What a waste of zeal,
to spend my heart and hours after a power
you did not appoint,
for a cause you did not lead!
So lead on, O King eternal,
and may all of what I am
be spent in service of all of who You are.
Read Our
Beginner Believer: How to Hear God’s Voice
Phylicia Masonheimer discusses how to hear God’s voice through Scripture, prayer, and the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the importance of grounding oneself in God’s word. Listen Now Transcription I'm going to return to scripture and say, what does scripture...
Beginner Believer: Why Should We Pray if God is Sovereign
Why should we pray - and how do we start a habit of prayer? This episode is a quick introduction to your prayer practice, why it matters and what Scripture says about it. Listen Now Transcription It's all about relationship in Christianity. It's not just let...
Beginner Believer: Why Am I Still Sinning?
In this episode we talk about what sin is, why we struggle with it, and what the Bible says about overcoming it. We learn the difference between the indwelling of the Spirit and the “filling” of the Spirit and how to walk in the freedom Christ offers.
My mother and I carefully stepped through the field of mossy boulders, checking our footing before we moved on to the next boulder. I paused in my careful navigation to watch my daughter start climbing the rock face, while my heart beat rapidly. She was so high above...
How to Understand the Bible
In this episode of the Beginner Believer series, you’ll learn how to understand the Bible when reading for the first time! Reading the Bible can feel overwhelming. Where do you start?! In this episode you’ll learn the intent, design, genre, and methodology for studying the Bible and what to do when you’re confused.
How Do I Know I’m Saved?
In the second episode of the Beginner Believer series, we dive into assurance of salvation and how to find freedom from anxiety over your faith. Salvation is by grace and faith, not by works; but many of us live as if we earned our place with God! Learn how to walk in freedom in this episode. Subscribe for the full series!
What is the Gospel?
In the first episode of the Beginner Believer series, we lay an important foundation: the gospel, its implications, and how to understand saving faith! This episode describes why we need saving, how Jesus saves us, and where we go from here. Subscribe for the entire series!
The Rise to Power: How the Early Church Gained Political Influence
In this last episode of the early church history series, we learn how the church in Rome rose to power during the fall of the Empire. Uniquely suited to governing roles, clergy quickly replaced the missing emperors and began a centuries’ long role of raising kings. Listen for how they did it. *Church history series pauses here as we begin a new series for new believers*