Your Crash Course In
Grace-Based ProductivityDear friend,
Productivity does not equal burnout.
This course teaches you practical tips for gracious productivity and biblical time management. But you’ll also learn to live well beyond the to-do list.
It includes:
- The biblical basis for excellence and productivity (John 15 and Genesis 1-2)
- How to identify God’s calling on your life
- How to study the bible when you’re strapped for time
- Steps to identifying your stressors
- How to create doable, flexible routines
- How to set up a weekly planning session (and why you should)
- How to motivate yourself and prevent procrastination
- The steps to making to-do lists that WORK
- My top ten tips for productivity that I use every day as a WAHM
- Daily assignments to get you started in the productivity process
- Access to my private productivity Facebook group for Driven Women!
The best part is
It’s totally free.
I’m excited to welcome you to the community!
“Phylicia has BEEN AN AMAZING BLESSING TO ME. I’ve been reading the blog for four years now, and have always been blessed. This productivity course I took last week was hands down, THE MOST helpful advice.”
-Toni F.