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How to Walk by the Spirit

How to Walk by the Spirit

​​Galatians 5 tells us to walk by the Spirit – but what does that look like practically? And why do we need to do it? This episode is a quick dive into pneumatology and why the Christian life is absolutely dependent on our relationship to the Spirit and His work.

What I Read this Year

What I Read this Year

Who doesn’t love a good book recommendation??

In this episode Phy shares the highlights of her book list from 2022, including theology, nonfiction and fiction reads.

Discerning Theology in Worship Music

Discerning Theology in Worship Music

How do we know if what we’re singing to God is truthful and good?

In this episode, Phy explains the regulative v. normative principle of worship and breaks down four popular hymns/worship songs, comparing them to Scripture.

Navigating Theological Differences in Dating

Navigating Theological Differences in Dating

It’s not easy out here in these dating streets! How do you ask good theological questions of a potential date? When do you give grace for differences and when you do draw the line? We talk about all this and more in this episode plus answer some listener questions on Christian Dating.

Discerning Halloween

Discerning Halloween

Every fall the posts and hot takes are flying: Should Christians celebrate Halloween?In this episode, Phy breaks down the history of Samhain and All Hallowed’s Eve, then discusses how to discern the celebration of this holiday and the options of imitation, abstention, or redemption. She also discusses magic in books and movies.

Five Christian Creeds

Five Christian Creeds

The early church fought to defend the core doctrines of Christianity, and one of the ways they did this was through the creeds! These statements of faith have been handed down over centuries.

Learn how these creeds impact us and what we can learn from the early church.

What is the Prospersity Gospel?

What is the Prospersity Gospel?

How do I identify prosperity gospel, and what does it mean? This episode breaks down the true gospel v. the one presented by the “word of faith” movement, discussing how this theology misinterprets key passages of Scripture and how we can discern through it.

Does God Forgive Sexual Sin?

Does God Forgive Sexual Sin?

Sexual addiction is more common than many of us realize. And in the wake of purity culture, many Christians don’t know how to think well about sex and sexual sin. In this episode, Phy breaks down why sexuality deserves honor and the hope we have when we’ve fallen short.

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