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How To Not Be a Christian Bully

How To Not Be a Christian Bully

Phylicia discusses why Christians who are into theology can become so “mean” by looking at the call to both sound teaching and gracious delivery. We look at the three tiers of doctrine, the goal of maturity, and how to understand denominational differences

Does The Bible Condemn Tattoos?

Does The Bible Condemn Tattoos?

In this episode Phylicia discusses Leviticus 19:28 and how to interpret tough passages in Leviticus in light of today’s culture. You can watch the video breakdown of this topic on her Instagram highlight, Leviticus, and grab the book Every Woman a Theologian on Christianbook, Amazon, or Target!

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 2

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 2

Get your copy of Every Woman a Theologian today!   Listen Now   Transcription Hi friends. You might be surprised to see an episode coming through that's not on a regular schedule of a Wednesday release. That's because we have the privilege of sharing...

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 6

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 6

Every Woman a Theologian has launched! Order your copy here!   Listen Now   Transcription Hi friends. You might be surprised to see an episode coming through that's not on a regular schedule of a Wednesday release. That's because we have the privilege of...

End Times Hope V. Fear of End Fear

End Times Hope V. Fear of End Fear

Many Christians suffer intense fear and anxiety over the end times. But Revelation is a book of hope and victory – so where does this come from? In this episode we talk about persecution, God’s wrath, and why God’s loving justice and call to endurance should encourage all of us to view the end times with hope.

Why Bother With The Church

Why Bother With The Church

What did Jesus intend when He founded the church? Is American Christianity “it”?
In this episode Phylicia breaks down chapter seven of Every Woman a Theologian and how the church in Acts functioned – and how that translates to today. We also touch on the need for both reformation and revival and how our relationships with other Christians are a pivotal part of our witness.

The Holy Spirit For Dummies

The Holy Spirit For Dummies

Our listeners aren’t dummies – but sometimes we need a super simple, practical, manual for understanding theological things! That’s what today’s episode is about: Pneumatology, or the theology of the Holy Spirit, and how He impacts our daily life.

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