When to Quit a Bible Reading Plan

When to Quit a Bible Reading Plan

I’ve talked about bible reading plan options, why bible study matters, how to create a bible study spot in your home – but what about when to QUIT a bible plan that isn’t serving you? Did you know that was even an option? Because it is! Believe it or not, bible reading plans that worked in one season might not work in another. Even plans we’ve loved in the past can stop being enjoyable or effective in the present. Here are three reasons to quit a Bible reading plan and what to do instead.

Our Fall Family Discipleship Routine

Our Fall Family Discipleship Routine

“Life is a series of seasons.” This phrase from Susan Yates, who I’ve had the privilege of befriending through an annual writing retreat remains in my mind each time I have to adjust the way we teach our kids. As homeschoolers we grasp the need for flexibility on an academic scale, but changing with the seasons applies to discipleship, too. Last fall we were about to welcome our third child into the family, were three months self employed, and were in the middle of the Covid pandemic. This fall is different and presents challenges of its own.

Calvinism and Arminianism: An Overview

Calvinism and Arminianism: An Overview

The terms Reformed and Calvinist, though not the same, are often used interchangeably. So if you have been introduced to “reformed” theology, this would be a good listen for you. If you are a Calvinist who has been taught that Arminians compromise the gospel or are “semi-Pelagian”, I would also encourage you to listen! You might be surprised at what Arminius actually taught.

What’s Really Behind Your Bible Study Struggle

What’s Really Behind Your Bible Study Struggle

One of the question I receive on a weekly basis is “What do you do when you just don’t feel like studying the Bible?” It’s something all Christians will run into at one point or another. This isn’t a foreign experience, even for the long term faithful Christian. But that doesn’t mean it’s something we accept; something we grow apathetic about. It’s something we overcome.

Five Bible Reading Plans (And How to Finish Them)

Five Bible Reading Plans (And How to Finish Them)

I’m writing this at the turn of the new year, when many of us begin thinking about a Bible reading plan for the next twelve months. I personally use the last week of December to plan my study focus for the next year along with my annual goals. However, there is no bad time to choose a reading plan! You don’t need a new year to adapt your study, and you can quit a reading plan that isn’t serving you anytime. Read that again!

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