The Problem With “Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”

The Problem With “Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”

Using “hate the sin” as a license for cruelty defeats the purpose of proclaiming truth. The gospel needs no help causing division; it is foolishness to those who reject it (1 Cor. 1:22-24). Because the gospel will divide based on its exclusive nature, our job is not to further that division but to simply love the Lord our God with all our hearts (emotions), souls (being), minds (thoughts), and strength (effort).

Christ and the Strong-Willed Woman

Christ and the Strong-Willed Woman

Does feminism have a monopoly on the “strong woman?” Sometimes that appears to be the case. Third wave feminism grabbed a few words from the English vocabulary and never bothered to give them back. The church – understandably hesitant to align with...
Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

The gospel gives us the incredible privilege of joining God’s redemptive purpose. We are the living temples of God on this earth because of what Jesus accomplished. A temple of God should be filled with the Spirit of God – and nothing else.

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