In this short episode, Phy discusses how to customize bible study to your unique learning style and find ways to make the Word a priority for your personality.

In this short episode, Phy discusses how to customize bible study to your unique learning style and find ways to make the Word a priority for your personality.
In this episode Phylicia shares some practical ways you can take a “social hour” bible study session to something with real meat.
In this special episode we’re sharing a brand NEW opportunity to read the entire bible chronologically! You’ll join Phylicia and the Every Woman a Theologian community to read through the whole Bible in the new year.
Ever started a Bible reading plan only to give up in Leviticus? We’ve all done it! In this episode you’ll learn why consistent exposure to the Word of God is so important and get a look at five reading plan options to help you do this. Phylicia also discusses the often overlooked hack of using your learning style – auditory, visual or kinesthetic – to help you engage with the Word.
Is your quiet time with God sustainable for your season? In this episode Phylicia talks about creating a time with God that is flexible for your lifestyle and life stage.
A few weeks ago I answered questions about hospitality on Instagram. The questions and my answers were not saved, so I am sharing some of what I said here in a blog post for permanent reference! The topic of hospitality is near and dear to my heart. I truly believe it is both a lost art and a gospel mandate; people are most comfortable opening up their hearts and lives in context of a home. Further, most Christians know they should share and live their faith in community, but because hospitality is not prioritized, this faith-sharing never actually happens.
As I limited my time on technology and social media last year, I found myself drawn toward email for keeping up with friends and the world. Isn’t it funny how email was the first “big thing” and it’s still here?? I’ve found that reading longform newsletters and blog posts is much more refreshing than the 15-second hits of Instagram and Facebook. There’s more room for explanation and context, more room to sit and read instead of tapping through.
Since reading The Tech Wise Family by Andy Crouch a few years ago, I’ve worked hard to create boundaries with my phone, laptop and TV. Though we aren’t anywhere near as strict as the Crouch family, we do endeavor to have tech boundaries in place. The quarantine of 2020, however, really did a number on our family culture. I don’t regret the increase in family TV time (we probably watched five seasons of Forged in Fire and the Great British Baking Show, each, plus other favorites) but going into the new year and a new school semester for the girls we need to get back to our boundaries.
What is a vision in terms of life as a woman? The Dictionary defines it as the “the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be”. Synonyms are perception and discernment. But being a visionary does not mean becoming a professional worrywart. To understand what it means to have vision and thus, how to keep it, we must see how it directly impacts our lives.
Who on earth uses FIVE different planners? …That would be me. And honestly? I use every one of them! Each of these planners serves a different purpose in my life, but they all work together to help me prioritize the right things in the right seasons.