29 and Single: When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned

29 and Single: When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned

There I was at 29, getting dangerously close to that next milestone birthday, feeling lost and wondering desperately what in the world was going on with my life.

Being 29 and single, especially in the South, will make you question everything. It will make you question if God is paying attention to you, like He seems to be your friends. It might make you question if you screwed up along the way and this prolonged season of singleness if just a form of punishment. It could even make you question if God loves you

Real Men Drive Trucks: Misconceptions About Biblical Masculinity

Real Men Drive Trucks: Misconceptions About Biblical Masculinity

Facebook comment streams are a dangerous place, but I find myself drawn into them, almost unable to resist. Perusing the argumentative stream on a blog post recently, I saw a theme emerge. The post was discussing modern Christian men. The comment thread was peppered with descriptions of masculinity: Words like leadership, protection, providing, littered the discussion. But in equal number were comments decrying the existence of man-buns and murses, guys who don’t hunt and drive a Prius – as if biblical masculinity required a certain haircut and hobby list.

What I Lost When I Got Married

What I Lost When I Got Married

We’re told, when we get married, we can accomplish more together than we ever could on our own. That when two become one, marriage is greater than the sum of its parts.

But what they don’t tell you is that marriage isn’t just the gain of a partner; it also involves loss.

Dear Marrieds: Stop Alienating Your Single Friends

Dear Marrieds: Stop Alienating Your Single Friends

“I feel like married people are on a different plane.” Some version of that sentence enters my inbox on a monthly basis.

My married friends don’t have time for me anymore.

When my friends couple up, they start treating me like a project – just because I’m single.

I’m sad my best friend is getting married because it means I’m going to lose her.

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