Why You Should Read Your Bible

Why You Should Read Your Bible

This week Lisa and I talk about why you should read your Bible. Devotionals can be helpful, and have their place, but nothing replaces reading God’s Word for yourself. We are going to walk through Psalm 19:7-11 in this episode so get out your Bible if you want to follow along.

Why I No Longer Read Fiction

Why I No Longer Read Fiction

The laborious groan of a UPS truck pulled me away from stovetop to kitchen window, where I peered through my blinds like a nosy neighbor. Every time the UPS truck pulls into our complex, I am at the window willing the khaki-clad man to have something in that truck addressed to me. It’s my CBD order – a stack of books I’d bought as my reward for finishing my second, and last, college degree.

The UPS man drove off and I went back to cooking dinner. As a voracious reader, the best reward I could think for myself was a whole stack of recreational books, considering my reading material for the majority of the last three years has been made up of theology textbooks and other assigned reading.

But when I put together my book list, I did not select any fiction. That’s because I don’t read it. This comes as a surprise to many people since fiction is enjoyed by many – and it once was stacked on my bedside table, too. But I stopped reading it, and here’s why:

1. Much modern fiction – especially Christian fiction – has a plot line focused on a love story or romantic theme.

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