Christian Life & Theology

Adoring God in Prayer

Adoring God in Prayer

In this mini-series on prayer for the month of August, you’ll learn how to pray in unique ways. We begin the series with adoration: adoring God through thanksgiving and praise. Phylicia talks about how to do this with Scripture and some practical tips for implementing daily.

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What is Biblical Prophecy?

What is Biblical Prophecy?

In this episode Phylicia breaks down biblical prophecy: What is it? How do we identify it? How does it go astray and how do we discern a biblical prophetic word from a false one? We will look at modern false prophecy in the world (psychics) and in the church (false teachers) and the process Jesus gave for handling such people.

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Desperate for God: My Testimony

Desperate for God: My Testimony

Phylicia’s personal testimony has been shared in pieces via blog posts and social media, but never in one place. This week Phylicia shares her story of pornography addiction, theological wrestling, chronic illness and loss, and how the circumstances of the last decade have strengthened her faith to do what Every Woman a Theologian does today.

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