Bible Study Basics
Why should I study the Bible?
You might find yourself responding to this question with more questions: “Isn’t just reading the Bible enough? Can’t I just listen to an audio Bible a few days a week?” But I would encourage you to think about your education: How much of your high school English class would you have retained if you had only listened to a lecture on audio three times a week? Not much! Our minds are best trained to retain and use information when they are repeatedly exposed to it in different ways. The Bible is no different! While audio and simple reading are beneficial in their own way, they simply cannot cement the truth of Scripture in your mind like studying the Bible in-depth.
The Bible is a collection of real, historical documents. It is inerrant (without error) and infallible (unable to deceive). Furthermore, it is how we come into a personal relationship with the Lord, our Creator and the lover of our souls. Understanding the author’s intent, the genre, the historical context, the significance of relevant words, and more can all help us to more deeply understand the meaning woven into God’s Word.
If you are new to studying the Bible (or getting back into it), the idea of starting might be overwhelming. Where do you begin? That is exactly what this guide is here to teach you!
• 4 x 6
• Softcover
• Printed in the United States
• 55 pages
• Free shipping on all US orders over $80
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