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• 4 x 6
• Softcover
• Printed in the United States
• 29 pages
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Why Buy at Every Woman a Theologian?

Quick Theology books are only sold at Every Woman a Theologian—This book is perfect if you’re looking for a quick overview of God’s character in the Old Testament.

The God of the Old Testament Paperback


Do you cringe at the Old Testament God?

Were you told the God of Exodus was vindicitive, cruel, and unkind—that is until He undergwent a metamorphosis between testaments when Jesus arrives? Then this book is for you! The “mean” Old Testament God may not be the God you think He is. In fact, He is far more kind, loving, and most of all, consistent, than many of us believe.

The God of the Old Testament is both wrathful and loving, and His wrath is actually an expression of His love. Without understanding the essential nature of God’s justice and holiness, we are left with an incomplete (and ultimately unloving) Christianity. Explore how the Old Testament and New, together, form a complete picture of the Savior we serve.

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Product Details

• 4 x 6
• Softcover
• Printed in the United States
• 29 pages
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• Free shipping on all US orders over $80

Why Buy at Every Woman a Theologian?

Quick Theology books are only sold at Every Woman a Theologian—This book is perfect if you’re looking for a quick overview of God’s character in the Old Testament.

A Note From Phy:

I created this book because I wanted to address a common misconception about the Old Testament God. Many people cringe at the portrayal of God in the Old Testament, thinking of Him as harsh and vengeful. In reality, I believe that the God of the Old Testament is far more complex and loving than often portrayed. This book aims to help readers see the consistency of God’s character throughout both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting His justice and holiness as expressions of His love. By understanding this, we can develop a more complete and loving perspective of Christianity.

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