Eight Ways to Love Your Sister

Eight Ways to Love Your Sister

The dim lighting of past years had shielded me from the truth, but there it was in blue and purple: the mark of womanhood. Spider veins. I completed the natural first step:  I screamed. Then the natural second step: I texted my sister: “OMW I HAVE SPIDER VEINS...
The Number One Question Singles Should Be Asking

The Number One Question Singles Should Be Asking

Today’s singles are far lonelier, I think, than singles of decades past. It’s a theory for which I have no real proof outside of my own observation, but given the nature of western culture and the habits of my millennial (and younger) peers, I think it’s fairly valid. Singles are lonelier, and there’s a very obvious reason why:

Today’s Christian singles lack real community.

How to Let Go of the Guy You Grew Up With

How to Let Go of the Guy You Grew Up With

You know who I’m talking about.

There are pictures of the two of you in diapers. Your moms have known each other for twenty-plus years. Or maybe you met through youth group in 9th grade and were inseparable until high school graduation. You were always “just friends” – nothing more – until he started dating.

Then something changed.

When God Gives Your Sister What You’ve Been Praying For

When God Gives Your Sister What You’ve Been Praying For

It might be a boyfriend, a marriage, a baby, or a job. Whatever it is – she has it, and you don’t.

If you’ve walked this path beside her for a while it probably feels unfair. If you’ve been waiting longer than she has, it may seem unfairer still. Yet it happens all the time: God gives your sister the very thing for which you’re waiting. How do you respond?

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