Mar 15, 2017 | Christian Life & Theology, Podcast Episodes
This week on Uniquely Woman, Lisa and I are tackling the next episode in our friendship series. We’re discussing how to prepare your heart for deeper friendships, as well as how to keep the bonds of those friendships strong. We women long for friendships, but in so many seasons of life they seem beyond our grasp.
Feb 8, 2017 | Podcast Episodes
This week on Uniquely Woman, Lisa and I are answering a commonly asked question: how did we meet? It’s a fun story that didn’t involve meeting in person until December of 2016. Since this is a Q&A episode, it’s only four minutes long – so be sure to take a listen! (And if you’re new to the podcast, scroll through past episodes to see some of the awesome topics we’ve discussed – including an episode on birth control itself).
Jan 23, 2017 | Christian Life & Theology, Dating & Marriage
The world needs us, you and I.
It needed me when I left, and it needs you for staying. You wouldn’t know it from what the magazines say… the Instagram posts about wanderlust and adventure, about moving out and moving on. The world makes it seem like I’m bigger, bolder, for leaving.
And you – the girl who never left home? You’re the one who “settled”.
Jan 11, 2017 | Podcast Episodes, Singleness
This week on the podcast we are answering a listener question from Sarah. She asks how we can let people into our lives when we have been hurt in the past – or know that we could be hurt in the future.
Most of us can relate to this question. How do you know when a relationship is a healthy risk – and all relationships require some kind of risk – and when it’s headed a toxic direction? Listen below or in iTunes or Stitcher, and don’t forget to subscribe!
Jan 6, 2017 | Podcast Episodes
In today’s podcast episode Lisa and I start off the New Year with a very relevant topic: how to deal with personal insecurities when interacting with other women. There’s nothing like a talented, beautiful acquaintance to remind us of all the things that we aren’t! But we don’t have to live in that mindset. Listen in for four tips on interacting with other women.