This Middle-Road Marriage

Dating & Marriage, Podcast Episodes

I’m posting this episode of the podcast a little late – it actually ran a few weeks ago. In it, Lisa and I discuss the different approaches Christians take to marriage, often summed up with the terms “complementarian” and “egalitarian”. A summary of both views can be found here.

We could have titled this episode a lot of things: What We Believe about the Genders or Why Women Work or What’s Up with Spiritual Headship? You get the point, but we haven’t answered the question, have we?

You’ll have to listen to the episode to get those answers, but let us relieve the suspense. We’re neither complementarian nor egalitarian – and we spend this whole episode telling you why.

We cover our largest complaint with complementarianism and then outline what we believe about how the genders are alike, why women are commissioned to work too, and where the genders are different. Listen below or in your favorite podcast app, and don’t forget to subscribe!

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