You all loved the Amazon finds post so much, I decided to bring them back each month! I’m also constantly asked for book recommendations, and with the new year right around the corner this is a great time to compile a book list + use up any Amazon gift cards you get for Christmas. This Amazon book list contains reads for all the roles you fill in life: Work, relationships, marriage, motherhood, and more. I’ve included a few specific to habits, goals, and time management since those topics are on all of our minds this time of year. This post contains affiliate links.
Without further ado:
Motherhood: Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday by Valerie Woerner

Full disclosure: This book doesn’t launch until April 2019, but if there is ONE book you preorder, let it be this one! Valerie Woerner is the founder of ValMariePaper, the company which produces the prayer journal I use. She has a passion for prayer, but she also has a passion for bringing her best to motherhood. The tagline for this book? “Say goodbye to stressed, tired, and anxious, and say hello to restored joy in motherhood”. I can’t think of a more necessary title for young mamas like me! Get it here
Marriage: You and Me Forever by Francis Chan

Have I mentioned how much I love this book? Josh and I read it last year – aloud, together – and it was such an incredible look at God’s intentions for marriage. What I love most is that it doesn’t get into the “role conversation” that dominates so many marriage books. If you’re new to me, it’s not that I don’t like that conversation – I’ve come a long way in my understanding of the topic – but that I think it often distracts from what God’s heart for marriage really is. This book gets to the core issue: We are called to fulfill the Great Commission together, working toward eternity. Get it here.
Habits: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

So… I’m a bit of a Gretchen Rubin fangirl. The one time she replied an email I sent her, I saved it in a special folder in my inbox (no biggie). I’ve been following her for seven years and LOVE everything she produces, because not only is it practical, it contains tons of research to back up what she suggests – all while staying light and interesting! This book will transform your habits and help you identify why you don’t follow through on your goals. A must read – get it here.
Time: What Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam

This book isn’t very big, but it will give you a kick in the pants to make changes to your morning! One of my absolute FAVORITES. In the back is a quick guide to planning your weekends so you actually get to do the fun things you WANT to do, but don’t. It’s full of practical tips – my fave! Get it here.
Priorities: Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Love this book! The chapters are short, which is great because the content is something you have to process a bit before implementing. This will transform how you decide WHAT to do. Check it out here!
Bible Study: Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin

How many times and in how many different ways can I promote this book? Ha! I love it so much. It’s hands down the best book on bible study that I’ve ever read (and I have a religion degree!). It’s simple, easy to understand, and addresses both your mind and heart. I recommend this regardless of age or life stage, and it would make a great group study. Get it here (and I mean it! Get the book!).
Fiction: Peace Like a River by Lief Enger

I read about six fiction books in 2018 (I’m very picky about fiction) and this topped my list. I love beautiful writing, and Enger writes like few other authors (he reminds me of L.M. Montgomery). It’s the perfect winter read because it takes place in the winter in the Midwest. Get it here!
Health: Liver Rescue by Anthony Williams

I bought this book after watching Anthony’s live video on Instagram about skin conditions like eczema. As I have been battling an autoimmune skin condition for three years now, I was curious what his theory was for dealing with it. His video convinced me and I bought the book. It’s been a great supplement to what my functional MD and I have been talking about for my health and diet.
One caveat: Ignore any spiritual content that he shares. He is definitely New Age. But the health content has some great information, and you can see before and afters of people who try his stuff on Instagram at @medicalmedium. (The fact he is endorsed by Christiane Northrup should be a good sign for women too – she’s an expert on women’s health) Get the book here!
Relationships: Women, Men and the Bible by Virginia Mollenkott

I actually found this book for a dollar at Goodwill when Josh and I were visiting Grand Rapids, and I bought it because I thought I’d disagree with it (I keep books I disagree with to check against Scripture and refine my own worldview and arguments). But as I read it, I was astounded at how WELL the author articulates some of the major issues with gender and the church – circa 1988!!!! This book is so relevant to today’s culture, I wish more people knew about it. It’s in limited supply on Amazon so you may have to check
Just for Fun: MWF Seeking BFF

I originally read this book a few years ago and it’s my favorite type of nonfiction – a year-long experiment documented in a book. This one shares the author’s story of seeking out a best friend by “friend dating” women in her city. She goes on 52 dates with women of different walks and ages in an effort to establish a friend group. Super funny read, great if you are a fiction reader looking to read nonfiction. Get it here