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Beginner Believer: Do God’s Promises Apply to Me?

In this video, Phylicia arms you with a five-step process—context, claim, condition, consequence,...

Beginner Believer: If I’m Saved, Why Does My Behavior Matter?

In this episode of the Verity podcast, we delve into the significance of good works for believers, highlighting that our actions are an expression of gratitude for salvation rather than a means to attain it. This understanding fosters a more profound relationship with Christ and has a positive impact on the world.

How the Early Church Did Church

How the Early Church Did Church

The early church developed quickly and expanded fast. How did they worship God in those early years? Many denominations claim to follow the pattern of the early church, but do they? In this episode we will look at how the early church “did” church at their gatherings, and how it laid the groundwork for what we do today.

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The Call to Social Martyrdom

The Call to Social Martyrdom

In this episode we meet ten figures of the early church: five men and five women who shaped the culture of the first 500 years. A common theme in this era is the challenge of Rome’s idolatry: will these women and men burn incense to the emperor, or will they choose Christ and die? Learn how their lives model a faith for us today.

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The World of the Early Church

The World of the Early Church

Dive into the history of the church as we look at the culture, governments, historical events and social shifts that shaped its first 500 years!

The parallels between the church of the second and third centuries and the global church today give us a glimpse of how we can live as Christians of conviction in a pagan world.

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Identifying a Counterfeit Gospel

Identifying a Counterfeit Gospel

The early church faced a lot of heresies in their first 500 years. Arianism, Gnosticism, and Docetism threatened the church’s teaching and forced them to refine their teaching to match the gospel. In this episode, you’ll journey through three major creeds and five major councils!

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AMA From Verity Conference 2023

AMA From Verity Conference 2023

In this week’s special edition episode, we have the Ask Anything LIVE panel from Verity Conference 2023 featuring Joel Muddamalle, Lisa Whittle, and Phylicia Masonheimer emceed by Johnny Whitcomb.

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You Were Born into a Story

You Were Born into a Story

After a break to rest and study, Phylicia is back with a new church history series. In this introduction episode she discusses why we need history, specifically church history, and how studying it impacts our present day lives.

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Thanking God in Prayer

Thanking God in Prayer

Continuing our mini-series on prayer, this episode teaches why thanksgiving is an essential part of our prayer life and how to thank God when our life circumstances aren’t what we hoped or dreamed.

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Supplication in Prayer

Supplication in Prayer

In the final episode of our mini-series on prayer, we discuss prayer requests! How do we entrust our requests to God? What do we do when he doesn’t answer, and do God’s answers rely on our faith?

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Confessing to God in Prayer

Confessing to God in Prayer

What does confession look like in prayer?

Rather than list out all we’ve done wrong or rack our brains for sins, confession is the grace of relationship. In this short episode Phylicia breaks down how to confess to God and why it’s so important to a Spirit-led life.

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Adoring God in Prayer

Adoring God in Prayer

In this mini-series on prayer for the month of August, you’ll learn how to pray in unique ways. We begin the series with adoration: adoring God through thanksgiving and praise. Phylicia talks about how to do this with Scripture and some practical tips for implementing daily.

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What is Biblical Prophecy?

What is Biblical Prophecy?

In this episode Phylicia breaks down biblical prophecy: What is it? How do we identify it? How does it go astray and how do we discern a biblical prophetic word from a false one? We will look at modern false prophecy in the world (psychics) and in the church (false teachers) and the process Jesus gave for handling such people.

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Desperate for God: My Testimony

Desperate for God: My Testimony

Phylicia’s personal testimony has been shared in pieces via blog posts and social media, but never in one place. This week Phylicia shares her story of pornography addiction, theological wrestling, chronic illness and loss, and how the circumstances of the last decade have strengthened her faith to do what Every Woman a Theologian does today.

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Reconstructing After Legalism

Reconstructing After Legalism

In light of the Amazon hit series Shiny Happy People, this week’s episode is about deconstructing legalism – and how to rebuild your faith when it all feels so messy. We look at progressive and conservative fundamentalism, why “check list” holiness is so deceitful and how to find true freedom on the other side.

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Should Christians Boycott Secular Companies

Should Christians Boycott Secular Companies

In this episode Phylicia discusses whether Christians should boycott Target or other secular companies when their values differ from the Christian worldview. We look at a history of pagan marketplaces and 1 Corinthians 8 to answer the question!

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Does God Give Consequences to His Childern?

Does God Give Consequences to His Childern?

After receiving multiple questions about consequences in parenting (and asking them herself) Phylicia dove into Scripture to see what it said about consequences, condemnation and punishment. Are they the same? Different? If different, how?

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How Do I Know I’m Truly Saved?

How Do I Know I’m Truly Saved?

In this episode Phylicia looks at the three primary doctrinal stances on assurance of salvation, the primary texts regarding our eternal security, and then walks listeners through HOW to walk in true confidence that you are saved rather than doubt and chaos.

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10 Way to Integrate Prayer into Your Day

10 Way to Integrate Prayer into Your Day

Struggle with prayer?
This episode is for you! Phylicia shares ten practical ways we can integrate prayer into our daily lives. She also discusses the need to pray specifically and why prayer is not a formula to move God’s hand.

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How To Not Be a Christian Bully

How To Not Be a Christian Bully

Phylicia discusses why Christians who are into theology can become so “mean” by looking at the call to both sound teaching and gracious delivery. We look at the three tiers of doctrine, the goal of maturity, and how to understand denominational differences

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Does The Bible Condemn Tattoos?

Does The Bible Condemn Tattoos?

In this episode Phylicia discusses Leviticus 19:28 and how to interpret tough passages in Leviticus in light of today’s culture. You can watch the video breakdown of this topic on her Instagram highlight, Leviticus, and grab the book Every Woman a Theologian on Christianbook, Amazon, or Target!

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BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 2

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 2

Get your copy of Every Woman a Theologian today!   Listen Now   Transcription Hi friends. You might be surprised to see an episode coming through that's not on a regular schedule of a Wednesday release. That's because we have the privilege of sharing...

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BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 6

BONUS | Every Woman a Theologian Preview | Chapter 6

Every Woman a Theologian has launched! Order your copy here!   Listen Now   Transcription Hi friends. You might be surprised to see an episode coming through that's not on a regular schedule of a Wednesday release. That's because we have the privilege of...

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