How to Keep God First in Overwhelming Busyness

Christian Life & Theology

I’m writing this past 10 PM… at least an hour past my old-lady bed time! This week has been busier than the previous two combined. I can’t remember when Josh and I had so much going on!

But one thing I’ve done each morning this week – sometimes earlier, sometimes later – is take the stack of bible, journal, and pens waiting for me on the coffee table and meet with my Savior. To most productivity bloggers, taking time to read, write, and pray is a waste of 30 precious minutes, especially since I’m launching a productivity course tomorrow. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a “driven woman”, it’s the essential-ness of Jesus. If we want to accomplish things of eternal impact, we must start with the Eternal God.

You might be in a season of overwhelming busyness too. I think we all are, really. If we’re not working and in college, we’re applying for jobs and doing mock interviews; if we’re not wedding planning and going to grad school, we’re taking care of two kids under two. Life only gets busier, and if we don’t make Jesus the top priority, we can’t really call Him Lord.

So here are some quick tips for drawing near in the crazy seasons, because if they aren’t here now, they’re coming – and only by meeting Him in rest do we live fruitfully.

Let Go of the Quiet Time Ideal

I talked about this extensively in this post but let’s revisit it. The Instagram quiet time is not necessary for you to know God. You can know God with nothing more than your bible on audio on a thirty minute commute. You can know Jesus by praying over the verse pinned to your kitchen window as you wash dishes. You can draw near as you adore Him in prayer while changing a baby’s diaper.

To grow closer to Him in busy seasons, you have to stop expecting your time with Him to look a certain way.

My quiet time has changed dozens of times over the years, and while I have the privilege of having a typical coffee-and-couch meeting these days, it’s hit or miss as a mom and business owner. Be okay with meeting Him in ways that aren’t your norm. I promise He’s more than okay with it Himself.

Realize It’s Okay to Meet God Outside of Morning

Similarly, allow yourself to meet with God according to the day’s demands. That might mean you meet with Him in the morning one day and on lunch the next. What matters is that you meet Him! If your boyfriend has to reschedule a date, do you cancel entirely? Not usually. Jesus is not your boyfriend; He’s sovereign God. But He’s kind enough to want relationship with you, so treat your time with Him as if it has value.

Morning is great, but you can still grow in faith by meeting God in the afternoon or evening. Find what works for the day you’re in.

Use the Fringe Hours to Pray

The “fringe hours” are those little spans of time when you’re in-between tasks or appointments. Standing in line at Starbucks, sitting at a traffic light, folding laundry, waiting for the microwave. Or even longer time slots, such as fifteen minutes before you put the kids to bed. Use these times to pray to the Lord.

I often pair prayer with tasks that don’t require my mind, such as unloading the dishwasher or folding laundry or dressing my girls. When I worked full time, I would pray as sorted files, walked to a meeting, or filtered emails. Use these times to pour your heart out to God.

Carry a Smaller Bible and Journal

Simple but effective: get a thinline bible and small journal (I used to use dollar store 3×5 notebooks) and keep them in your purse. I wrote down prayer requests and answered prayers in my notebook, and used a little pink ESV as my bible on lunch breaks. I’d often walk to a quiet place outside or to the prayer chapel for my devotions.

Remember: It’s a Relationship

Lastly, remember that this is a relationship – not a set of rules. When people say “I know I SHOULD have time with God” I want to grab them by the shoulders, look into their sweet faces and say, “It’s not about should. Do you want to meet Him?”

Because He wants to meet you.

God shows up when you draw near. It’s not just you talking into a void. And in our busy seasons, we need Him more than ever. We need His presence, wisdom, joy, peace – and those things only come from knowing Him personally. So don’t come because you should. Come because you can.

Do you want to learn more about managing time biblically? Sign up for my FREE 7-day email course! Only one week of emails and you’ll see an instant change to the amount of time you have for the Word, your relationships, and the passions God has placed on your heart.

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