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When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll

When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll

Unless we're close - down the street, in your life kind of close - all we can see of other's lives is what they show us. People assume that if someone doesn't dump their vulnerability onto the internet, they don't struggle or experience pain. There are all kinds of...

Anxious and Worried About Many Things

Anxious and Worried About Many Things

In the last week we attended a wedding and a baptism. We witnessed the unity of a young man and woman becoming a new family. And we witnessed the unity of six new believers joining the family of the church. Both baptism and marriage are sacraments, sometimes called “a...

He Will Be Faithful Again

He Will Be Faithful Again

We moved to Pennsylvania from Virginia when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Adeline. Some of you have heard this story - how Addie was born 5 days later in a previously unplanned home birth, with a sweet Mennonite midwife - the only practitioner who would take me so last...

Church Matters… But Why?

Church Matters… But Why?

We seem to be hearing a cacophony of messages about the church. We hear that the church, the gathering of committed believers led by Christ, is important. It matters. We also hear devastating stories from within the church. Abuse and cover-ups, pride and favoritism,...

Do All the Good You Can

Do All the Good You Can

Each of us is in a corner of the world the other can't reach. I can't reach the people in a Georgia suburb like the people in the Georgia suburbs can. I can't reach the neighbor in southeast London like the people in southeast London can. You can't reach the people in...

The Cost of Real Community

The Cost of Real Community

Yesterday after our church's first service a group of families walked next door to the playground and, as our progeny swarmed the slides and swings, we talked about the cost of community. In the sermon this week, our pastors talked about the cost of Christian...

The Risk of Falling Back in Love

The Risk of Falling Back in Love

I want to be jealous. I look around at other couples and make up stories in my head – their life wasn’t as hard, their losses not so grievous, their betrayal not so deep. I think, we had it worse. But that’s a lie, because everyone born into this imperfect world is touched by that imperfection. We all carry hurts and we all pass through trials – some are just less visible than others. What we do in those trials, and who we become (the plural “we” of marriage) has the power to be a witness to this wasting world.

How do you avoid making someone a “project?”

How do you avoid making someone a “project?”

Verity '22 Streaming AccessNow Available Introduction This November we were so excited to bring back the third annual Verity Conference located in Petoskey, Michigan. 250+ women came from all around the United States to join us in person, and over 200 women watched...

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