1-3 John Study Spiral Bound


John’s heart for the church is evident in every chapter of his letters. John longs for the church to know the love of God, and for that love to mobilize them to love their neighbors.

Come away from the epistles of John with a renewed desire to abide in Jesus. It was John who recorded Jesus’ long treatise on abiding (John 15), and here John emphasizes how we dwell with Christ by realizing that Christ dwells within us! This mutual abiding is the key to a transformed Christian life. I think it’s also why John mentions in 1 John 4 that we must come to both know and believe God’s love. We can’t abide in Jesus by knowledge alone. Nor will we live with Him daily if we merely believe in His existence with no intimate relationship. There must be both knowledge and faith, understanding and allegiance.

I hope this study opens your eyes to the love of God.

• Spiral bound hardcover
• 126 Pages
• Printed in the United States
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