Why I Didn’t Marry My “Type”

Why I Didn’t Marry My “Type”

God doesn’t want his men confined. He wants them strong, free, and bold, ready to stand up for Him and lead their families in their faith and freedom. So that’s what he gave me: An un-boxed man.

Dear Husband, I Don’t Know You Yet

Dear Husband, I Don’t Know You Yet

A lilac bush scraped the glass every time the wind danced through its branches, and with each scrape I paused over the list before me. I was leaned against my hope chest in the sunlight, my bible at my elbow, chewing on the end of my pen as I thought carefully over each bullet point. I tried to keep my cursive even so it looked pretty. After all, I planned to have this list a long time: I was only sixteen.

Eight years later I found the List. It was folded neatly in the back of my high school bible…

How Does a Busy Couple Make Time For God?

How Does a Busy Couple Make Time For God?

Early in our marriage Josh traveled often for work and it was tempting to use the time we had together selfishly, at the expense of our mutual walk with the Lord. So in our dating and engaged season, and now our married life of six years, we have implemented some methods to keep us in the Word in the midst of busy times.

Why My Boyfriend Called My Dad

Why My Boyfriend Called My Dad

When I was single, I asked the guys I dated to call my dad once they wanted to make it “official”. Looking back on those years, I asked myself – did this standard really serve me well? The answer is an unwavering “Yes”. I would not do it...
The Ring, the Bling, and the Next Big Thing

The Ring, the Bling, and the Next Big Thing

I thought back to the days when I was single. It seemed as if contentment was that evasive virtue I only learned the hard way. When God got me to the place of dependence, in walked Mr. M! So there I was, weeks before getting engaged (though I did not know this), blessed beyond measure with a gift many girls long for, and discontent was knocking at my door again.

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