Why Christian Girls Read Cosmo Magazine

Why Christian Girls Read Cosmo Magazine

I remember sneakily flipping the pages of Cosmopolitan Magazine in a nail salon waiting room. I turned the cover toward the wall so no one would see what I was reading, then voraciously flipped through the pages to fill in the blanks of my sexual education. I’m not the only Christian girl who’s done this. Thousands of us have furtively glanced through those pages.

We hate Cosmo for how it objectifies women, yet Cosmo – and magazines like it – draw us in. Why would a Christian girl read something like this? Three reasons.

The Difference Between Being Liked and Valued

The Difference Between Being Liked and Valued

A man who loves God will know you’re not just a “good girl” who wants to be liked. He’ll know you’re a sinner saved by grace. He won’t just like you for what you can offer him; he’ll love you for what God is doing in your life, and for how well you’ve submitted to His leading. Only a man who knows Christ can see your flawed, failing heart and choose to love you anyway – and do it over and over again for the rest of his life.

How to Fight Sexual Sin in College

How to Fight Sexual Sin in College

College culture is a prime place for sexual strongholds to begin. Secular universities provide ample opportunity for alcoholism and partying, both of which inhibit our ability to walk by God’s Spirit (which is why alcohol is a gospel issue). The additional pressures of exhaustion and stress make use emotionally vulnerable, and many students seek out coping mechanisms for their loneliness or overwhelm. All of this, partnered with a lack of godly discipleship and accountability, is fertile ground for sexual compromise – and Satan knows it.

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