Death Has Lost
Its Sting

Fall 2021

 A Note from Phy:

I found Isaiah 25:8 around July 1 after we got some devastating news in our extended family. With the shop launching tomorrow, this theme is more real to me than ever before. I don’t really know how to launch a shop while grieving, it feels wrong somehow… but I’m glad, that if we were going to produce products for you, they are products that remind them of our resurrection hope. Death has lost its sting. It still hurts, but it has no more venom, no more power. We grieve with hope.

This is a challenging time in our world. Between sickness and international fallout, we’re faced daily with the fact that this world is broken, hurting, and dying. Nature echos this message in the pageant that plays out between the seasons–as the weather grows colder, the green in Northern Michigan begin to change colors, and leaves start to fall. As we look towards the colder months ahead, and the brokenness around us, we must remind ourselves daily, that there is more. That Jesus has defeated death with eternal life, and that gives us so much to live for. This fall shop features some very special products that we’ve been working really hard on at Every Woman a Theologian, and I can’t wait to share them with you.

Monthly Coffee Club


Death Where is Your Sting Hoodie


InTroducing Good Church Stories

The body of Christ is made up of sinful and flawed individuals and, sometimes, we have people in the church who aren’t followers of Christ at all. They use Christianity as a cover for their abuse, manipulation, and lies, and people are hurt by that.

What I have wished existed is a compilation of stories of people who have experienced the goodness of the church. People who have seen the church can be a place of grace, kindness, and love. Stories that can heal.

Making All Things new


Heroes of the Church Character Cards


A New eBook from Phylicia!

Read my research on Halloween. Where did it come from? How did we come up with these traditions anyway? Would we, as a Christian family, practice the holiday? Could it be used for outreach, if not for family fun? What I’ve discovered answered that question for both Josh and myself. In this ebook, I’m not trying to convince you to do what we do, but I’m going to present what we learned along with links to some articles and resources so you can draw your own conclusions.

Also included in this book is a celebration guide for All Saints’ Day, which falls on November 1st.

Death Has Lost Its Sting Ebook


I Hope You’re Excited!

This shop releases tomorrow morning at 10am ET and I’m sure you’ll enjoy all of our new products.

Thank you for your support!

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