How to Enjoy Being a Mom

How to Enjoy Being a Mom

Inspired by this article, Lisa and I are discussing how to enjoy being a mom in today’s Uniquely Woman episode. Motherhood is hard and it’s a gift from God, and that dichotomy often needs an attack plan in our daily lives.

Honoring God in Postpartum Anxiety

Honoring God in Postpartum Anxiety

This week on Uniquely Woman, Lisa and I are talking about how to deal with postpartum hormones in a godly way. We include some ideas for weathering the baby blues and dealing with hormonal changes as well as resources if you struggle with postpartum depression. Don’t walk this part of life alone!

Dear Women’s Ministry, Stop Telling Me I’m Beautiful

Dear Women’s Ministry, Stop Telling Me I’m Beautiful

I shifted in my seat at the women’s conference as the speaker said it again.

“You are a beautiful, chosen, special woman of God. There is no one in the world like you!”

It’s the same message I’d heard dozens of times on the radio, in books, at conferences – even emblazoned on coffee mugs and shirts at every LifeWay Store in America. It’s the same message preached to Christian women in every corner of western culture. And it’s a message that – while well-intentioned – is completely deficient.

How to Deal With Unexpected Life Changes

How to Deal With Unexpected Life Changes

All of us have unexpected events in life, but what are we going to do when they come? We can either throw a fit because we aren’t getting our way, or we can walk a path of grace – because God always goes before us. This week on the podcast Lisa and I are discussing some ideas for managing life when the unexpected arrives.

Five Sanity-Saving Productivity Tips for Moms

Five Sanity-Saving Productivity Tips for Moms

In today’s third and final post in the productive lifestyle series, let’s chat about staying productive as a first-time (or several times over) mom! I consider myself fortunate regarding motherhood; I grew up surrounded by women who did it well. Most of them had large families, and I credit their advice with helping me create a parenting style that has been far less stress, anxiety, or frustration than our culture presents as the reality.

I was told, when pregnant with Adeline, that I’d lose my schedule, that I’d never sleep again, or that my life would be dictated by the demands of my small child. While there have been those moments, this negative, defeatist view of parenting has by no means been my experience. I believe that ANY mother can create a life of peace, joy, and stress-free parenting – but it requires effort.

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