How to Keep God First in Overwhelming Busyness
I’m writing this past 10 PM… at least an hour past my old-lady bed time! This week has been busier than the previous two combined. I can’t remember when Josh and I had so much going on!
I’m writing this past 10 PM… at least an hour past my old-lady bed time! This week has been busier than the previous two combined. I can’t remember when Josh and I had so much going on!
I am SO excited to share this glimpse of my goal planning process. For three years now I’ve used Lara Casey’s Powersheets, a goal planning workbook designed to help people of ALL personalities determine God’s priorities for their lives. Through a detailed preparation process, you determine your goals for the year, then break those goals down into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.
“Just wait until you have two,” She laughed. “One is a vacation.” As a new mom, I was the object of much unnecessary, negative input regarding my solitary offspring. Once I had two – I was told – life would fall apart and all semblance of routine would go down with it.
Perhaps it’s my personality, but when someone tells me something is impossible, my first inclination is to prove them wrong. But really, it’s not even about them: I want to prove to myself that it’s possible to enjoy motherhood, enjoy my kids, and enjoy life – all at the same time.
Productivity by itself is not an end; it’s a means. As believers, we should strive for grace-based productivity in our work hours (whether in an actual workplace or in the home) so we can be completely present and at rest with the people who matter most. Everything I teach on productivity points to this end!
“Follow your heart” – this is Disney’s recommendation for those seeking life direction. But it’s not just Disney; it’s the kindergarten curriculum and the children’s books, the songs on the radio and graduation cards. When choosing a life path, we’re supposed to “do what we love” – because if we’re doing what we love, we’ve found our calling. Right?
Six years of my career was spent in higher education, five of those years as a college counselor. As I sit down with parents and students, some starry-eyed and optimistic, others uncertain and under pressure, I frequently come back to the “Disney lie”: That doing what you love is the ticket to success, and that success – in and of itself – will lead to long term happiness.