Christian Life & Theology

Christianity Offends Me

Christianity Offends Me

Christianity will always offend. But we should more concerned with offending the gospel than with offending the world. Jesus was offensive even as He poured out love and kindness. He was offensive because He claimed to be the Way.

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Why My Daughter’s Right to Life Trumps My Right to Choose

Why My Daughter’s Right to Life Trumps My Right to Choose


That’s what it is, not just what it’s called.

And they knew it would be, when they wrote that episode: the one where a child’s life is taken to boost viewer ratings or cause a ruckus across the internet for a few days. They knew that’s how it would go when they wrote an abortion scene. #Istandwithplannedparenthood, right? It’s just a show, right?

But it’s not.

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How to Pray for Your Husband… When You Don’t Know If He Exists

How to Pray for Your Husband… When You Don’t Know If He Exists

Praying for your future husband shouldn’t be the only thing on your prayer list by any means. But if you struggle with contentment, route your discontented thoughts into prayer. As one of my dear friends told me: “worrying is praying for what you don’t want”. Don’t worry about being single. Pray for wisdom, strength, humility, and a desire for the God who loves you – the same God who loves your future mate.

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How to Conquer a Critical Spirit

How to Conquer a Critical Spirit

This post is part of the Broken and Beautiful series, a discussion of beauty and identity. I finally met her in person at a lingerie shower for a friend. I had seen her from afar and we shared dozens of mutual friends, but I had never approached her - partially...

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Why Telling Ourselves We’re Beautiful Will Never Be Enough

Why Telling Ourselves We’re Beautiful Will Never Be Enough

This post is a part of the series The Broken and Beautiful, a discussion of identity, self-perception, and beauty.

I stood in front of the mirror and frowned. What had once been the outline of my abs was disappearing overnight, my face was broken out in all-new places, and I could point out several other flaws at the drop of a hat. Mr. M poked his head in the bathroom door.

“You’re beautiful.”

I smiled wanly. “At least you think so.”

I am now five months pregnant with Baby M, and though I’ve been able to hide my growing body underneath my regular clothes so far (thank heavens for blousy trends!), it is growing more difficult by the week. Not just that, but I’ve seen the visible changes as I get dressed each morning and hastily cover up my “undesirable” to put best face forward in my world.

Many of you are like me. Pregnant or not, you look in the mirror and cringe at what you see; then you cover up the “undesirable” before facing your world.

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