This week Lisa and I are discussing how to thrive in your life journey. You don’t always get to pick where you are, and yet it’s important that you show up: show up in your singleness, show up in your dating relationship, show up in your city, and show up with your kids.
Show Notes
- Engage with life.
- Get involved with your community and in relationships and at a church. Don’t just hole up in your dorm room or apartment with Netflix as your friend.
- Develop as a single person or as a married without kids even if you are anticipating a change in that status.
- Make the effort to get involved with other friends/personal interests if you’re home with small children.
- Social media is great but don’t rely on that; develop relationships with real people.
- Pursue contentment.
- Recognize God is sovereign.
- Contentment is not a state of being; you’re not going to arrive.
- Honor God where you are.
- Make the choice to thrive.
- Act how you want to feel.
- Speak truth to yourself; don’t listen to yourself.
- You serve God because He loves you, not because you are expecting something from Him.
- Put down roots to be ready for a transplant.
- Embrace your place.
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