Dating & Marriage

Stop Telling Girls to “Save Themselves”

Stop Telling Girls to “Save Themselves”

I recently shared an older post of mine – one I wrote shortly after I got married. It’s the story of why I waited until my wedding day to lose my virginity, and I why I did so with no regrets. Shortly after I received a comment: “I like this article, but the title indicates you lose your purity when you get married.”

This statement, though well-intentioned, reveals the problem we face in the church today. Today’s Christian culture treats virginity as equal to purity, when they are not the same thing at all.

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I Like Him. Now What?

I Like Him. Now What?

At some point or another we have felt the thrill of admiring that particular guy, whether he turns out to be our husband or just a temporary interest. But we’re in conflict: we may like him, but what do we DO about it?

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Does My Husband’s Headship Make Me Second Class?

Does My Husband’s Headship Make Me Second Class?

What does it mean for a man to be “head of the home”? Where does that even come from? Headship of husbands is a controversial issue. Headship is hotly debated in church and culture, often misunderstood, misinterpreted, and abused. But could headship be very different than what we’ve seen described thus far?

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