Dec 17, 2016 | Podcast Episodes
All of us have unexpected events in life, but what are we going to do when they come? We can either throw a fit because we aren’t getting our way, or we can walk a path of grace – because God always goes before us. This week on the podcast Lisa and I are discussing some ideas for managing life when the unexpected arrives.
Nov 28, 2016 | Christian Life & Theology
It has become crystal clear that His grace is more than enough for us, and that even as we wait for answers to our prayers, nothing in this life and in this world is more worthy of pursuit than His very presence. We know that this contentment and ability to rejoice in Him in the midst of pain-filled waiting is only possible because of His grace, and we praise Him that other people are seeing it and are being encouraged.
Nov 21, 2016 | Christian Life & Theology, Singleness
Maybe you’ve spent the month doing a Bible study on giving thanks or posting “30 days of thanks” on your Facebook feed. Giving thanks is an excellent way to defeat discontent and focus on the Lord’s provision, but sometimes we fail to thank God for the things He’s given that we don’t actually like.
Oct 12, 2016 | Christian Life & Theology, Dating & Marriage, Singleness
She who grips her life – her wants, wishes, desires – will lose it. But she who loses her life – lets go of her dreams, pins them to the Cross, lets them die – she will find abundance and freedom.
So to you, dear girl: If you’re tired of the holding pattern, stop.
If you’re tired of waiting, stop.
If you’re sick of a less-than existence, stop.
Sep 28, 2016 | Christian Life & Theology, Sexuality, Singleness
He won’t want you because of your past or in spite of it. He’ll want you because you’re God’s woman: the kind of woman whose attachment to Grace echoes his own.